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2019 Open House Season - Wildey House

10 Mar
2019 Open House Season - Wildey House
Wildey House
10th March, 2019
FROM 01:45 PM To 05:00 PM
St. Michael
Price Range
Adults $35BDS | BARP, AARP & CARP Members $30 | Children under 12 are free
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The headquarters of the Barbados National Trust, this is a classic Georgian style mansion, thought to have been built around 1760. It was last owned by the Leacocks, who bequeathed it to the Trust. The house has been carefully restored and its ground floor is furnished with the family’s antiques. Offices occupy the former bedrooms upstairs.

Wildey House is in Wildey, next to the Carter’s premises. If coming from the ABC highway, go south from the Bussa (Emancipation) roundabout, and after the next, tiny roundabout, get into the right lane going downhill. At the T junction after the gas station, go right. Stay in the right lane, take the next right (after Rubis) then go into the left lane. The Wildey House driveway goes up the hill at the next left turn. The public is asked to turn left again at this point, park at Carter’s and walk up the driveway.

The Barbados National Trust Open House Season, which has been a 'must do' on Barbados' events calendar since the 1960s, continues in 2019 with a showcase of some of Barbados' most historically interesting and architecturally magnificent private homes. In addition to 'lively talks', narrated by some of Barbados’ most well-known historians and architectural aficionados, the Open House Season 2019 will also feature live music, cultural performances by local schools, beautiful handmade Barbadian craft sold by artisans and many more enjoyable surprises!

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