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Canepiece to Cask : Stories from St. Nicholas Abbey

St. Nicholas Abbey
6th February, 2018
FROM 01:00 PM To 02:15 PM
St. Peter

Visit one of three remaining Jacobean Mansions in the Western Hemisphere, (two of which are located in Barbados) to experience the daily operations of a plantation, as actors and dancers present a mesmerising re-enactment at “Canepiece to Cask, Stories from St. Nicholas Abbey”. As they take you from the fields to the factory to grind sugar cane, and to witness and learn about the distillation of rum, these actors and dancers will portray the personal stories and testimonies of those who lived on the plantation, while paying tribute to sugar and rum. There will be installations consisting of dance, monologues and conversations complementing St. Nicholas Abbey’s house tour and activities. This is an event not to be missed!