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Working Remotely Stories

More than just beautiful beaches and 365 days a year of sunshine, there are so many reasons to call Barbados home. It’s the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of big cities, cold climates, and long commutes. Say goodbye to an unhealthy work-life balance and say hello to an outdoor lifestyle, local foods, and a friendly, welcoming culture - all whilst continuing to succeed at work!
This new remote work programme establishes a visa to allow people to work remotely in Barbados for a maximum of 12 months. The visa is available to anyone who meets the visa requirements and whose work is location independent, whether individuals or families. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, you’re in luck! The application process is online and easily facilitated. Even better, once approved, the Barbados 12-Month Welcome Stamp visa is valid for one year, and if you love it (we are confident you will!), you can easily reapply.

Explore Island Stories

Experience Barbados your way! Luxury island tours, eco-friendly adventures, foodie weekends, historic discoveries, artistic engagements, oceanic endeavours and “spa-cations” can all be found within the categories below. Where will you begin?