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Mindful Living Barbados - Day 2

23 Nov
Sweetfield Manor Historic Hotel Brittons Ridge, Upper Garrison U NESCO Historic Area, Bridgetown
23rd November, 2019
FROM 09:00 AM To 04:30 PM
St. Michael
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Theme: Inspiration

Day two will be dedicated to education and inspiration. All are welcome on our opening day. We will be learning about what is mindfulness and how we can incorporate it into our daily lives. We will also be inviting youth from across Barbados to have the opportunity to be inspired by international leaders who have invited mindfulness into their daily lives and experienced relatable benefits.


Author, Speaker, Mindfulness Facilitator
How do we engage in mindfulness in our modern world? Guided Meditation & Journaling Practice
Monique Billings
WNBA Player for the Atlanta Dream
The importance of wellness as an athlete – her personal journey
Director X
Film and Music Video Director and Producer; Founder of Operation Prefrontal Cortex
Operation Prefrontal Cortex & His Personal Journey
Jasmine Evelyn
Yoga Practice

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