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Round Rock Apartments-on-Sea

Guest Houses & Apartments
Opening Hours:
Christ Church

Situated along the beautiful Silver Sands coast, Round Rock Apartments are overlooking the beautiful Caribbean Sea, with a two minute walk to the vast, white, sandy Silver Sands beach.
To our left is Little Bay; perfect for swimming and to our right is the perfect location for wind surfing.
Silver Sands on Barbados' southeast coast offers some of the best board sailing east of Maui. With trade winds blowing side shore from 12-25 knots and the Atlantic Swell rolling in with 5-15 foot surf, Silver Sands is a must for the serious short board sailor.
The perfect place to relax in an uncrowded and intimate environment. Enjoy West Indian dishes in the lovely restaurant and bar overlooking the ocean. The restaurant is famous for it's Bajan Cuisine and is the ideal place for Sunday Buffet Lunch, offering a wide selection of Bajan Dishes. The Thursday night Bar-B-Que provides sumptuous food.

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