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Run Barbados - 7K Run & 10K

11 Dec
11th December, 2022
St. Joseph
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The choice of races around the world is endless but the Run Barbados event has distinguishing characteristics that can provide the experience of a lifetime. The friendly local culture, the sheer beauty of the island and the marathon course that is both scenic and historic.

The start and finish of the “out and back” mostly flat route is at the picturesque & rustic East coast of Barbados. Runners will enjoy the cool ocean breezes and the natural beauty of the East coast combine these sights with the sounds of steel pan, the local “tuk bands” and the highly appreciative local spectators and you have yourself an unforgettable memory.
All finishers in the Explore Run Barbados 7K Run & 10K Races will receive a commemorative medal

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