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Sit and Stay Pet Services

Sit and Stay Pet Services

Sit and Stay Pet Services
Pet Care
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Your Pets are wonderful companions. Most of us can admit they are not only our best friends, but we treat them as children. When you want to go on vacation or a short trip, it can be a very anxious and confusing time for your pets. Sit and Stay provides an alternative to boarding them in kennels or asking a busy friend or relative to care for them. We provide In-home pet sitting, so you can simply leave them at home! Leaving your pets in familiar surroundings, helps prevent a lot anxiety for both you and your pets. And you avoid things that can be picked up at kennels like Kennel Cough, ticks and fleas.

We meet with you and your pets before your trip for introductions and to discuss what you would like done, and any special needs your pets may have, then we come in and care for your pets in your absence, making sure they are fed and get fresh water daily and of course get some play time and daily walks can be arranged no problem. We also take in your mail and newspaper, take out the garbage (if necessary), water plants and many other small house sitting tasks.

Sit and Stay also provides these services for those of you who find you are working long hours and don't get home till late in the evening, maybe your dog needs to be walked or let out to stretch his/her legs and do their business.

Call us today to arrange an appointment!

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