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Six Great Ocean Adventures

When you think of fantastic beaches, you should think of beaches in Barbados. After all, the island’s 166 square miles are surrounded by the most pristine white sand beaches in the Caribbean. This means that wherever you stay in Barbados, you will always be close to a beach - and that’s a guarantee. Barbados is a haven for almost any type of island water sport you can imagine. So while you can lay on the shore, on your best beach vacation, soaking up our year-round summer sun, there are many water sports activities waiting for you. 

Looking for some great ocean adventures on Barbados’ beaches while on the island? Here are our picks for the six great activities you should try while you are here. 

Itinerary Details

Day 1

Ride The Tide Surf School Barbados
Join our surfing lessons & be a surfer.
Seaside Drive Atlantic Shores, Christ Church BB17135, Barbados
Christ Church