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Tapas Restaurant

Hastings Main Road , Christ Church
Christ Church
Distance From Airport:
11 Km (6.84 Miles)
Distance From Bridgetown:
4.1 Km (2.55 Miles)
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According to legend, the tapas tradition began when Castile's king, Alfonso X of Castile or Alfonso the Wise, recovered from an illness by drinking wine mixed with small dishes between meals. Well, the tapas from Tapas sure can make you recover from any stressful day you may be experiencing and they are known to have secured some of the best barmen on the island. The result? Rich, flavourful meals made even more enjoyable with mind blowing liquid concoctions from the skillful, ready-to-please guys and gals at the bar. Doesn't hurt either that Tapas is located just on the tip of the most beautiful boardwalk this part of the world!