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Top Ten things to Taste in Barbados

An authentic Bajan Experience includes Barbados’ Cuisine. Authentic, easy to prepare at home and rich in flavour. Barbados’ food is inspired by our multicultural heritage - As a former British colony, our delicacies have English and Irish influences, West African, East Indian and Taino. While many of our favourite dishes including Puddin’ n’ Souse and Cou cou & Flying Fish emerged from the resourcefulness of our people, others have developed over time to rise to the top of a Bajan list of top 10 favourite eats. Make sure you try them all on your next visit.  

Itinerary Details

Day 1

Lickrish Food Tours
Tantalise your taste buds with traditional foods and discover Barbados like no other tour!
2nd Avenue, Club Morgan Road Christ Church, Barbados